此次調查由普華永道北京(PwC Beijing)實施。隨機抽取的2160家私營企業的經理或企業所有者將被聯系進行采訪。調查通過面對面或視頻會議的方式進行。每次采訪大約持續60分鐘。受訪者對采訪問題的答復均為匿名,受訪者的身份不會在任何公開文件中使用。
Joshua Wimpey
World Bank Enterprise Survey in China, 2024
The World Bank Enterprise Surveys team is collecting data on the business environment in China between January 2024 and December 2024.
This information will represent the private sector's vision of the challenges and opportunities in the economy and in the global market. The survey results will help inform public policies and facilitate the growth and efficiency of the private sector in China.
The survey is being implemented with Pricewaterhouse Cooper Beijing (PwC Beijing). Managers or owners of 2160 private businesses, selected at random, are being contacted for the interview throughout the entire economy. The survey is carried out in person or via videoconference. Each interview lasts approximately 60 minutes. All survey responses are anonymous, and respondents' identities are not used in any publicly available document.
We invite you to participate and contribute to the design of more effective policies to support the private sector in China.
For more information, please contact:
Joshua Wimpey
總值班: 吳弋 編輯: 賈元元
來源: 連云港發布